
Cambs and Hunts Womens Golf Ltd

CHWGL Holland Foursomes Cups @ Gog Magog

Monday 7th July
The Gog Magog-Wandlebury Course, Tee - Red
H'cap Allowance: 50% Combined Handicap

36 hole strokeplay competition. Hcp allowance 50% of team course hcp. Hcp limit 60 combined.

Trophy presented to best gross score, plus other prizes.

A light lunch is served between rounds and a main course meal afterwards. Any dietary needs contact Club Rep Jill Collins:

Contact Joy Billany for competition entry & start sheet queries & Jill Collins for anything to do with food, etc.

Competition in Progress

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Competition Fees:
  • £70.00 Per Team - Members (Required On Entry)
Open To: Ladies
Current Entries: 30

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