
Cambs and Hunts Womens Golf Ltd

The Old Nene Golf and Country Club Heydon Grange Golf Club The Gog Magog Golf Club St Ives Golf Club Lakeside Lodge Golf and Country Club Girton Golf CLub Saffron Walden Golf Club The Cambridgeshire Golf Club Cambridge Country Club Cambridge Meridian Golf Club Royston Golf Club March Golf Club St Neots Golf Club The Links Golf Club Barkway Golf Club Brampton Park Golf Club Ely City Golf Club Ramsey Golf Club Kingsway Golf Club

General Competition Conditions

Please use this link to see policies such as the Buggy Policy.

Policies, Processes & Forms

General Competition Conditions 2024

All CHWGL competitions will be informed by the

  • Rules of Golf (R&A, USGA 2023)
  • World Handicapping System
  • England Golf Hard Card
  • England Golf Pace of Play policy
  • England Golf Code of Conduct
  • CHWGL Equality & Diversity Policy (2023)
  • CHWGL Safeguarding children and young people: policy & procedures (2023)
  • CHWGL Safeguarding adults: policy & procedures (2023)
  • CHWGL Transportation Policy (2022)

It is expected that all players will

  • be familiar with the rules of golf and uphold the spirit and integrity of the game

All entries to CHWGL competitions are subject to the approval of the Competitions Committee, who shall have the right to refuse entry without assigning a reason.

All Competitions shall be open to female amateur golfers who are playing members of a club affiliated to CHWGL irrespective of membership type.

A player may only compete in the County Championship or represent the County if they are a playing member of a club affiliated to CHWGL irrespective of membership type or were born within the county even if affiliated in another county. A player may only represent one county in any season.

  1. In order to be eligible to play in ALL county competitions, a player must have submitted a minimum of THREE qualifying scores in the 12 months preceding the date of the competition being entered (i.e.  general play scores will not be accepted).
    a. On entering a competition, the player will have to confirm that they meet this condition. Random checks may be undertaken.
    b. The same condition will apply to inter-club team competitions and will need to be considered when selecting teams.
  2. A player must provide a valid EG member ID on entry to the competition so that handicaps can be verified via the WHS database prior to the start of the competition. An individual player will be responsible for informing the competition organiser on the day if their handicap index has changed in the period immediately preceding the competition
  3. An approved ball must be played
  4. Maximum score per hole in stroke play competitions: whilst this is permitted within the rules of golf, this is not permitted in CHWGL competitions
  5. All ties to be decided on a count back over the last 18, 9, 6, 3 and 1 hole(s), except scratch trophies, which will be shared, unless stated otherwise in the individual competition conditions.
  6. Unless otherwise stated in the specific competition conditions a player may not normally win more than one prize and may not take both the scratch and nett prize in one competition.
  7. A player arriving late on the tee may be penalised or disqualified under Rule 5-3. The competition committee of the day (the committee) shall at its discretion apply Rule 5.3 and will take into consideration major traffic disruptions in individual cases.
  8. Inclement weather:
    a. course unplayable
    i. for interclub matches it is recommended that clubs hold a reserve day for such an eventuality.
    ii. for main competitions, the competitions committee will determine if it is feasible to arrange an alternative competition day.
    b. extreme weather conditions such as heat, high winds, predicted storms:  a local health and safety risk assessment should be undertaken jointly by the competition organisers/match captains (home and away) in partnership with the club professional (or deputy) and/or the club manager. This risk assessment will inform any decision to cancel or postpone a fixture. This should be a local decision, not a county decision as weather conditions may vary. Advice may however be sought from the relevant the Competition Secretary or other Director. It is recommended that players should, where practicable, be informed at least 24 hours in advance of any potential postponement.

    If play in a competition is suspended due to inclement weatherplayers may seek shelter and may be called off the course.  If after a reasonable time, conditions have improved, then play should resume. If resumption is not possible, the committee reserves the right to alter the format of the competition in order to achieve a result or they may decide to reschedule or abandon the competition.
  9. It is permitted to use a distance-measuring device in any competition, If, however, during a stipulated round, a player uses a device or artificial object to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect her play (e.g. elevation changes, wind speed etc.) the player is in breach of Rule 4-3
  10. Any disputes on the day will be settled by the committee, whose decision shall be final
  11. Pace of play: competitors are reminded that it is the duty of every player to keep up with the game in front, and not just keep ahead of the game behind. The committee will monitor the pace of play and will take action under Rule 5.6 if players are considered to be delaying play unduly. CHWGL supports the principle of safe and responsible "ready golf" in stroke play competitions
  12. Rules advisor(s) will be available for advice and decision making in all qualifying competitions, the semi-finals/finals of the Jean Wilkinson and the Grace Norman competitions, the Mary Cole Rose Bowland the final of the Foursomes knock-out competition
  13. Advice and other help (Rules 10.2 and 10.3): A player is permitted to use a caddie in any competition, except that CHWGL does not permit caddies in junior events nor is it permitted to use a professional or assistant professional as a caddie. Rule 10.3b specifies what a caddie is allowed/not allowed to do
  14. Golf buggies may be used by a player or caddie who can provide a valid medical certificate (to be read in conjunction with the CHWGL Transportation policy (2023). Key points are as follows:
    a. A valid medical certificate confirming a specific condition necessitating the use of a golf buggy will be accepted from a practitioner registered with the General Medical Council, Nursing and Midwifery Council and Health and Care Professions Council
    b. A player requiring a buggy should submit a written request signed by an appropriate health practitioner (see above) to the County Competition Secretary normally at least 14 days before the competition date.
    c. If approved, permission for the use of a golf buggy may be granted for a defined period, which may be indefinite, depending on the underlying condition and supporting evidence.
    d. Players with a long-term condition/disability necessitating the need for a golf buggy for an indefinite period should submit a Medical Certificate Revalidation form at the beginning of each season to the County Competition Secretary.
    e. A golf buggy shall be for the sole use of the player and her equipment unless a member of the committee has agreed that for reasons of age, medical condition, or disability a third party is required to drive the buggy.
    f. The player’s caddy may only ride in the buggy if they have a valid medical certificate or are the designated driver.
    g. Where the certificated condition prevents the player from driving the buggy, a third party may be approved to undertake the driving. Similarly, if the player is not permitted by the club to drive a buggy by virtue of age, and is playing in an adult competition, a third party may be approved as the buggy driver.
    h. However, in junior competitions, a parent or guardian is not permitted to be the buggy driver and an appropriate other adult shall be designated as the driver.
    i. The player granted permission to use a golf buggy will be responsible for checking availability, booking the buggy with the host club, complying with host club’s health and safety requirements, and may be required to provide evidence of personal and third-party insurance. Such requirements may also be applied to a caddie or other third party
    j. Permission to use a buggy may be withdrawn at any time should conditions on the course be deemed unsafe by the host club or competition organiser
  15. Players are expected to adhere to the dress code of the host club
  16. Entries must be made via the online system on the CHWGL website by the published closing date, which will normally be two weeks before the competition. Entries received after the specified closing date will not normally be accepted.
  17. Entry fees must be paid via the online payment system at the same time as entry. 
  18. Entry fees will only be returned to players withdrawing from a competition after the closing date if a substitute can be found. Players wishing to withdraw from a competition must always inform the designated competition organiser who will advise as to the procedure to take.
  19. Method of ballot for competitions oversubscribed:
    a. higher handicaps balloted out in the County Championship and Foursomes Championship
    b. in all other competitions, entries will be accepted on a ‘first come’ basis.
  20. Players who reduce their handicap from a higher division to a lower division before the competition closing date will be ineligible to play in the higher division. If this happens after the closing date, they can still play in the competition but must play off their new handicap and will only be eligible for the handicap (nett) prize(s). If practicable, everything possible will be done to enable players to play in the correct division
  21. Players who increase their handicap from a lower division to a higher division before the competition closing date will be ineligible to play in the lower division. If this happens after the closing date, they can still play in the lower division but must play off the upper limit of that competition banding. If practicable, everything possible will be done to enable players to play in the correct division.
  22. Start sheets will normally be sent out by email as soon as possible after the closing date


  1. The home team shall offer the away team a minimum of THREE dates for the match to be played, at least one of which shall be a weekend and one a weekday. It is recommended that a reserve day is identified in case inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances prohibit play on the previously agreed date.
  2. Both teams shall be responsible for arranging individual matches in good time.
  3. A player can normally only represent one club in each playing season, unless they change clubs.
  4. It is expected that all individual matches shall be played, and every effort should be made to ensure this. The process for managing concessions is detailed in the individual competition conditions. No match may be conceded before the day of play and whole ties may not be conceded, without prior discussion with the County Competitions Secretary.
  5. Team captains must exchange their team sheets and playing order prior to commencement of the match. No substitutions are permitted once team sheets have been exchanged.
  6. Any player arriving late on the tee may be penalised or disqualified (Rule 5-3)
  7. In the Jean Wilkinson competition visitors will have the honour on the first tee, except in the semi-finals and final when there will be a toss for the team honour.
  8. In all rounds of the Grace Norman competition, the honour for each game will be determined by a toss on the first tee.
  9. Each team may appoint one person who may give advice to members of that team – to be identified prior to commencement of the match (see Rule 24.4).
  10. Players may shelter in bad weather and leave the course if necessary. If conditions allow, play should resume on the same day from the point of disruption. If resumption is impossible, the results of completed games stand, but incomplete games will be deemed to be halved. Match captains together with the club professional or designated other shall be responsible for the decision to resume or call off play.
  11. Only match captains or a nominated deputy have the authority to call players in from a game still being played when the overall match result has been determined.
  12. The results sheet must be correctly completed, dated, and clearly signed by both team captains. It is the responsibility of the home team captain to send the results sheet to the County Competition Secretary within 5 working days of the match. It can be sent electronically as a file attachment. Once a completed and signed results sheet has been submitted to the County Competition Secretary, the result will stand.
  13. For the semifinals of the Grace Norman and Jean Wilkinson, a team sheet will be sent to the Team Captains for completion and return to the County Competition Secretary at least 2 (two) days prior to the event. NB Amendments can be made on the day in the event of sickness/injury/handicap changes or player withdrawal.

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